Saving endangered food

June 30, 2008 § 1 Comment

Last night I was happily making a stir-fry (using fresh snap peas and chard from my garden, as well as frozen carrots from last year along with some non-local additions…) and I was listening to the Splendid Table on my “local” NPR affiliate, KOPB.

Toward the end of the show, Lynne interviewed Gary Nabhan on the “RAFT” movement. RAFT is short for Renewing America’s Food Traditions, which is also the title of Nabhan’s book. If you visit the Splendid Table Website this week you can scroll to the “Heard on the Show” section and click on the word RAFT to hear the interview.

I hadn’t heard of this project before, and it sounds like something that a lot of foodies would be interested in.

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